The Power of Journaling
The art and science of words has the power to bring you back to yourself.
Written words make us think. They make us change our behavior. They mean more to us because they are interconnected to our deepest thoughts. When we write out words of appreciation and recognition, we are codifying and legitimizing the behavior we see or feel. We take what we feel and see on the outside and allow it to penetrate our own personal expression. The Heart Journal offers you the space to create a daily ritual of setting intentions and making observations that will help raise your productivity and vibration.
Guided journal entries, observation prompts and regular check-ins encourage you to become aware of your thoughts and emotions, and ultimately help you to reframe, challenge, and change these when needed.
The Heart Journal was created and self-published to give you space to discover and allow you to observe your inner and outer-self. Helping you identify patterns, reach goals or track nutrition.
AED 100 ($28)